Lively and lyrical entertainment on the Wild and Scenic Rogue River
Essence brings “the what it is” of Americana & folk music to the banks of the Rogue.
Like all of us, Essence is on a journey.
Unlike most of us, she knows how to make it sound good.
Honest and heartfelt, candid and captivating, she is a natural storyteller, a seasoned performer, and an award-winning songwriter. Essence’s music and free spirit are a natural fit for the open-aired and sand-floored theater of the Rogue River and her infectious warmth and humor will make everybody at home. A unique and amazing journey like no other. Entertainment, food, music, and fun are all provided. This personal and one-of-a-kind experience is limited to only 20 people. You can learn more about the Rogue HERE.
You can listen and learn more about Essence HERE

Join Essence on:
The Rogue River
4 days, August 21 – 24
$1699 per person