Hot ‘nuf for ya?
When the temperature hits 119, there are only two places to be: somewhere else or on the river.
We were on the river.
Day One – Argo to Tyee Camp
[Grants Pass High Temperature: 100º]
Tyee Camp is hot when it’s snowing. Fortunately we had our sturdy Easy-Up (and the river). Intrepid Trip Leader Gabe barbequed the tri-tip and then took some time to unbarbeque himself.
Day Two – Tyee Camp to Upper Missouri
[Grants Pass High Temperature: 104º]
Up at 5:30, on the river at 8:00, and in the shade of Missouri Creek Camp in time for lunch; even had time to jump off the rock at Big Windy.
Day Three – Upper Missouri to Upper Tacoma
[Grants Pass High Temperature: 111º]
On the river early so we could have lunch and spend the afternoon up the ever-refreshing East Creek; floated some chips and ideas around at camp; (and a small setback at Coffee Pot – For the record: six rafts reported major rips in their back right tubes sustained at Coffee Pot that day.)
Day Four – Upper Tacoma to Foster Bar (Fester Bar?)
[Grants Pass High Temperature: 115º]
A day of refreshment at Flora Dell. The shuttle driver said it was 120, but we all know that shuttle drivers exaggerate.