What happens when you grow up on the river and are raised by a crew of dynamic, 20-something-year-old ARTA guides? You either learn to be an enthusiastic listener or you learn to be a spirited story-teller – but you learn. And you either think the world is a place that needs a lot of attention or you think the world is a place that needs a lot of exploration – but you think. You either go to Law School (UC Berkeley) or you go on tour (StAG) – but you go. And you either grow up into a well-rounded, mature and sensible young leader or you grow up into a brilliant, creative and passionate ground-breaker – but you never really grow up.
[2016 UPDATE: Sam passed the bar and is now working for THE MAN (Hogan-Lovells International LLP) in San Francisco; Mac quit the band and is now working for THE MAC (Frugal Father) anywhere he can]